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Welcome To MidsBears Website

Welcome to MidsBears, a social and networking group, which was set up by Jon Duncan and Rob Govan in November 2012.


We are a non-profit making group, funded by membership fees and our monthly raffles. Our remit is to provide members of the Bear Community with a wide range of social activities, to enable them to connect with like minded people. The idea behind MidsBears is to provide the Bear Community of the Midlands with a centre point of contact and reference to enable them to gather together as much as possible.


We will attempt to have as many events as possible over the whole of the Midlands, and a few in conjunction with other Bear Groups throughout the UK.


We actively encourage members to attend our regular monthly gathering in Birmingham. In addition to this regular night we will have all sorts of events and gatherings organised throughout the year. All of these will be listed on the Events Calendar. 


In addition to the Admin Team organising events, we are very pleased to support and promote all events members are wishing to host themselves. So if you have any ideas for an event you wish to run please get in contact with us.



MidsBears members are expected to respect each others views and act in such a way which is not seen as offensive, derogatory, or upsetting.


We firmly believe the very nature of us all being part of the Bear Community means the spirit of the group should be one of friendship and mutual support and full of BEAR HUGS.


We looking forward to meeting you all at our events and gatherings.


If you have any questions or suggestions for the group please send us an email and we will reply asap.


We want to thank you all for your support and look forward to providing the Bear Community a terrific service.




Admin Team

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